Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A new month, a new attitude???

I am going to work on some attitude improvement, some more patience with my body and it's healing, less with my #2 son who really needs to do more than camp out in my living room and play games and sleep or go play with his gal pal. I told him he gets a 30 day move out notice when he was here today.
I am going to push myself to do more on the neglected sewing and knitting projects, and see if I can get some things done and out of the way. I have the new chair ready to cane, and am waiting for the cane to get here.
I do have most of the paperwork I need to get done ready for State Farm, shoes and sweater replacement stuff and started 1 for all the trips to the doctor, that 1 I will not print out yet as I will have probably at least 1 or 2 more visits to Dr. Mulshine before being released to work.
I have a lot of concerns about my foot tolerating the work load, Right now I think the odds of my foot making the work load is about 50-75% and that discourages me. But I do know the foot has come a long way, the pain has dropped a lot, the swelling issues are also less so there has been huge progress. And I could be dealing with far worse injuries.
I am making progress on keeping the budget tighter and better in balance, and in making sure I get the groceries bought and in cooking meals and keeping me fed in a timely mannor. I still have bouts of depression or anger, but not as often or as long lasting. I am trying to not be discouraged at what I haven't gotten done on this house, on my debt load, in my garden in the past 8 months.
I have done what I could, have not slacked off very much, and at times have pushed my foot very hard, there is no way I could have gotten the north bathroom window changed out but I could have kept a tighter rein on my finances and had less credit debt by now. I have spent too much on dolls and other not necessary things.
The trips out west were also added money and credit spent that might or might not been the wisest decisions but I got to know a lot, see a lot and then made some better decisions long term because of those long conversations. Ones that will protect my financial stability long term so the cost balances out well for me.
I'm glad Kid has come into my life, and do not begrudge the costs or the fact that he just romped on my damaged foot. He doesn't know and he is doing well for a young pup, a very big, young pup.
And some day I will not be living in a house with a roof that leaks on my head.

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