Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Kids coming home to stay

I keep trying to get the baby birds out of Mommy's little nest but Ben is back living here, he is working and now Jake is coming home from the Marines, about 2 weeks or more sooner than I had expected, nothing here I had hoped to have done is done.
Ben has my attic space a huge mess and that is where I will be moving up to when Jake settles in here for the next 6 months to a year.
The utility area is a disaster area, metal roofing that will do most of the front porch is down there, along with both Ben and Jake stuff.  They also have a lot stored in my attic space, which is far from a finished studio.
My finances are very tight, no finds for materials, no funds to hire help for what I need help with or just cannot do.  The attic bathroom is not even framed in yet, the runners between cross ties are not in so there is no place yet to attach the top 2x4 that it takes to build the north and south bathroom walls. Both fall between ceiling supports.
Tearing my hair out will not gain a thing, today I will get the new filters in the water filter and the furnace, might even get some work done with foaming the remaining draft from where the house and foundation join.  It is a crawl under the west side of the house, with a trouble light, dusting away cob webs as I worm under there.
But it is also a job I have put off for years as all the rest has been insulated, I only have 8-10 feet to deal with, first foam and then later insulation blanket.  It will make a difference in the heat bill, make the downstairs (and only) bedroom more comfortable and I now do have the foam in a can so need to get the blasted job started.
Work is going ok, we just did 3 weeks of someone out and overtime, work harder and faster, now 6 days of every one there or should be, I then have 2 days off for a medical test, 1 day with all of us there, Bonny off, the weekend, another week of all of us at work and a week of someone gone every other day.  Should be fun, I have 2 of those 3 days off, 1 to get Jake in Chicago and the Friday of Labor Day weekend to play with Larry.
And somehow, sometime I need to start some massive house cleaning and moving stuff before Jake is home, his gal pal is here with him and my house has far too many people, not enough space and I am going insane once again.