Saturday, September 21, 2013

Getting another dog, taking a mini vacation

        We, Jake and I are miserable in a house without Kid, and I know he can't be replaced but we need another dog in our lives.  We both did some on line looking and this weekend, since I have 3 days off, I will be going to Paducah KY to bring back a puppy, Chesapeake Retriever and Weimaraner cross that both Jake and I think will grow into a great companion.
       I still have not gotten a Nexus 7, and I still keep wanting one, but life sure gets in the way, LOL, ended up with Jake taking my truck yesterday so I could not run to Jacksonville and buy one. Today I ended up working later than I expected so I didn't have the time after work to run to Jacksonville and Staples.
     The mail brought another insurance bill, good thing I did not spend the money on a Nexus or add it to my already huge credit debt.
       The work shift with Barb gave us a chance to talk, I did tell her about my problem with credit and buying myself stuff, to reward me, to comfort me, and messing up my finances and adding to credit debt.She talked about the years before she and Thomas were married, raising her kids alone and in poverty.
       She wants bedroom furniture, a good mattress and a bed frame, dressers to put their clothes in, with dresser tops to put things on, her little things, his stuff.
       I am going back to production with our frock room jobs ending, she is taking the lay-off and unemployment and I think she is putting herself and her family back into the poverty they left behind in Detroit, all those years ago when they put their clothes in plastic bags and got on a bus to come down south for jobs in a pig plant.
      I will get by, I will worry about about money and qualifying for another job in plant but I will do ok.  I hope that Barb and her family do ok too, but they have to live their own lives and go the direction that they feel is best.
     Hell, I can't even find a way to talk to the man I have been dating for over 2.5 years and get him to understand that our relationship is not good for me, his house is not healthy for me, and I am not going to sit around and watch t.v and do nothing and I want and need more intelligent conversation in my life.
    But, I am going to enjoy my little holiday and Jake and I will spend time teaching each other what puppies should not be chewing up and hopefully teach this pup some better manners while he is small so he's not a huge horse knocking people over at the door.
     My old house needs a huge amount of work still but I now have privacy film on the windows so i can enjoy having the curtains pulled back and not feel anyone is spying on me and prying into my life.  I will get some help and get some of the drywall up on the south end, 4 sheets are here and paid for.  I will  work on the front door and the problems and drafts with that.  And the outside work is making progress, rains have helped but I walked around in the back and the weed and feed have knocked the weeds back some, I have to give the grass a fighting chance.
And it's getting later and later and I still need to pack a few things for an overnight trip so better get with that and clothes laid out for tomorrow, might even get the dishes washed tonight so they are out of the way tomorrow.  I am looking forward to my road trip, it will be a bit of a long drive for me, alone on the way down but I will have the new family member on the way back home.

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