Thursday, June 2, 2011

Just thinking

It's a rainy day here, the truck is down at the shop for oil change and the air cond. work, it looks like it is done, the little bike is wet, poor Honda Passport needs a shelter but I am not sure when I will get something built for it.]
I would like to hear from State farm and get this settlement done, and I would like more contractors come/make appointments to look at the work here. I will call Monday if I have not heard anything. It needs done.]
And once again A.M. got walked out, the other 2nd shift supply clerk who really should have been terminated long ago. When he threw the pallet at my back, when he was seen by management, on his cell phone, over and over, during working hours, in supply.]
And a long list of things, but I would not bet any $$ on his actually loosing his job. I don]'t know who he has pull with or if he just intimidates people.]
The frock room job is a challenge and I don't yet love my job the way I loved my supply job but it is physically easier on me, not as hard and more money and benefits so that is all positive.
My life is going ok now, it has taken me a long time to get as stable as I am now and the finances are still very tight and rocky but I am working on improving that.]
And on some of the other small things, making peace with my poor choices in the past, controlling my finances better, my moods better.]
My huge credit debt has me living in near poverty and I know it is my doing, I made the choices that grew that debt, can't blame some man as it was not their credit or debit card that was used. . gifts, helping out, being nice, all that stuff I have done in the past and am working on NOT doing now, the guys I have been involved with and my sons, or more accurately, my #2 son.
Years ago it was the men I was involved with and my daughter and her children but I moved away, we fought and she told me to get out of her life and stay out. And for a change I did that, it was not the first time she had pushed me out but it was the time I finally held my ground and stayed out and quit letting her milk me or letting her sucker me out of money.]
Well, I have things here I need to get done and sitting here does not get a thing done so it's time to shut this down and get busy.

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