Well, I'm back at work finally and have seen a lawyer about this accident and the settlement. IL state laws limit the amount the auto insurance company can be made to pay out to the value of the policy. I do have a right to a certified copy of that policy and must request it in writing. So, that means after all the bills are paid I will receive very little from this accident.
I did get my lost wages while I was off work and am glad mark young carried a policy high enough for that and the medical bills.
When I think of how much I have lost mobility wise, how farther behind financially I am now, when I think about the 8.5+ months of my life spent with recovery and pain, of the pain I get to live with the rest of my life...
It's a huge black hole that I will not let myself be sucked down into. I am going to get my finances back into working order, I am going to take care of my little place, the old house and the tiny lot it sits on.
I will not let Mark Young's poor choices in life ruin mine. It has changed it but I will not let it ruin my life.
This accident has changed the person I am, in ways I am still figuring out, but I can live with the woman I am. I am tougher, I am meaner, I have less tolerance for others, both at work and in my personal life.
I have so much emotional hurt and anger over this accident and there's not much I can do with it. Mark Young is dead, writing his widow an ugly letter doesn't do much to change anything for the better in my life and she wasn't in that car, she wasn't driving it. They had a fight over his adultery but she did not make the decision to pass those 2 cars at high speed or to not try to minimize the impact to the oncoming vehicle, my little red truck.
I am back at work, I have a tiny bit each week going into savings, I can pay my own bills once again on my earnings, and State Farm will get the medical bills from this accident paid and off my back.
My credit stinks now but I will work on paying down the credit debt and I will work on tightening my budget, getting more practical about money.
This old house comes first, I have to be able to keep working on the repairs, that leaking roof has to be fixed as soon as possible. I have to get that credit debt paid off and some of those accounts closed. I cannot afford to live like I have in the past, it's time to make some personal changes IF I want my life to be workable, if I want this old house repaired.
I have to live in this world, and not spend too much time dreaming about what it could have been or what the lottery would do but deal with the here and now.
Winter is coming and I need to plan for that, the furnace needs a new filter and that needs done soon. I do have 1 air conditioner out but I need to either remove the 1 in my bedroom or cover the outside again this year.
Kid will need a house and some sort of heating in that this winter if Ben isn't living here, it will be too cold for him to be out all the hours I am at work without some heat.
But I have some really good solid friends and I have my job, my sewing and knitting and I will get through this, it won't be easy. But the past 9 months have not been easy either.
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