Friday, December 25, 2015
Another Christmas and I am still glad I gave up all that commercial hype.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Not tonight, I refuse to deal with anything.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
And a New chapter begins
I did pick up and fill out and turn in the paperwork to start 401K plans with the new employer, who also uses Vanguard so hopefully I will not go many paychecks before I am putting money into 2 401K plans, 1 pretax and the other is after.. And I have called Vanguard about rolling my Cargill accounts over into the new ones, once those are set up so that is all lined up, at least as much as I can line it up.
I went on line and did the stuff I could do for my Cargill pension, I can cash that out and since the pension from Con-Agra is locked and I will have it to draw once I reach 65, I did not want to have another locked when using the funds to pay down debt is a smarter choice at this time. That paperwork is on it's way back to wherever it has to go, hopefully filled out correctly with everything needed so it can be processed and the certified check sent to me asap. I might have that by the first week in December.
Plans do include buying a reasonable sized utility building for a wood shop and setting it up to be a working wood shop and a place for the scooter and Rebel to live in the winter. I need to have the maple tree cut down, it is slowly dying and needs removed anyway, and then decide on which building, mark out the location and make plans to put in gravel and 6x6 lumber for it to sit on and I think I will need to do 3 'foundation beams' but it will depend on which way the floor joices are laid out in the building. I do know the door needs to face the house, and I need to remember the very small redbud tree that is already planted so the building is not on top of that and will allow it some growing room.
We worked today, first Saturday in a very long time and we are hearing there will be production every Saturday and we might work 10 hour days every other week, with night shift working 10's on the alternate weeks. The money will be good but the hours will beat many of us to pieces.
I do have some vacation time coming up and will be attending the BJD convention down in St. Louis next weekend, my first time to go but am joining doll friends down there who will make sure I don't get lost. I am looking forward to the time away and the fun.
We are still battling bed bugs some here, we/Ben thinks 1 hitched a ride on his clothing when he was doing some minor carpentry work for a friend, it had been several weeks since either of us had been bitten but we are spraying chairs, beds, floors and starting the war once again. This has not been a fun battle, the damn bugs are so tiny I can't usually see them and have yet to see a hatchling or baby but sure have been bitten a few times by what Ben says is newly hatched.
Our weather is staying mild for this time of year, I am glad as need to do some work under the west side of the house to deal with some air gaps before we have a lot of cold winds and manage to keep putting that job off. But the old house is making a bit of progress and I hope to have funds for more drywall for the attic area, would like to get all the drywall done in my sewing area, I know that would make it easier to keep clean and also more comfortable, I do have drafts on the north east corner that remind me I need to get the work done.
So, most of the time I am content and like my little life, and I know it works for me. It is not the life I thought I would have when I was much younger but it is what I do have and what I have made for myself. And I just cannot see a reason to get involved with a dating relationship at this time, or any time soon, if ever. I can daydream such silly things while I am working those very boring jobs in a meat packing plant but sure do not want to start dating any one.
So, I hope those people in my past have good lives and are happy and so forth and I will be content to live here and do my own thing. That reaching back into the past to touch base with someone did not work out so well 6 years ago. Not the fault of my car accident but that accident and the possibility of a settlement that might be in the reach of someone, who had money problems he was not honest about, ya, I can see where I looked like a nice, ripe plum just ready for plucking.
I don't think most of the people I knew when I was in my early 20's would even pick me out of a crowd, and they sure would not think to find me here, in a small river town, working labor in a meat processing plant or living the solitary life I am living. I have changed, found my way, built my own security and self belief, become a strong and independent person, a far change and a very long way from the young and really naïve woman child I was when I was 20 or even 26.
But I think about that man from the Jessie L Brown, and the way he smiled and made me laugh, and wish his world has been a good one and he is doing well with his life. And life does move on, and we have gone such different directions, I have gone so far, and it took me so long to find who I really am and to become strong enough to stand my ground and live by my choices and not by the orders and direction or to suit other people.
But it is getting time for me to turn in, my days start very early even when I am off work, my internal clock seems to not be able to tell it is a 'sleep in' day.
Friday, August 14, 2015
Battling the bug problems here. dry and put away again
Here at home I have gotten to the vet for flea dope for Shadow, 6 applications which will get us into winter, and $88 for the costs of that. And it appears that either from my work bag, containing bandanas, hair nets, and such or from the current house son and his out and about visiting people, we are now battling an infestation of bed bugs. Oh, how nice, and if that adult son had been far more open, blunt, honest about the bug problems he was having down stairs, they might have been being dealt with before they became a problem upstairs.
Instead he just went elsewhere for several weeks, and only when I caught up with 2 sons about their mess in MY downstairs bedroom did he come home to tackle the mess and discuss the bug issue.
So, I am spending the money I hoped to restock cupboards this vacation on flea and bed bug bombs and sprays, doing huge amounts of cleaning, laundry and trying to bake my pillows and such soft goods in my truck the next day or two. I now have a bombing schedule on the white board, and will be bombing every weekend for weeks, which means the birds and their cage go outside to the patio, bombs get set off, I spend 2 hours with the dog on a chain and unhappy, the birds outside and not happy and me sitting with them knitting or reading and watching the clock. After 2 hours I am in the house to open windows, start house airing, spray areas with flea and bedbug spray and then back outside for 2 hours
After that 2nd waiting outside time, I get to come in and start wiping down kitchen counters so stuff I took out can come back in, like my iPad and knitting and snacks. Then I go up and wipe down and clean the bird area, they come in, get back into small pet tote, and get madder, the cage again is taken apart so it can go back upstairs, clean food and water and the mad birds get back home. Loads of kitchen stuff to wash and put away again and loads of laundry to wash and dry again.
This will need done every weekend four more times, skip a weekend and the next weekendshould be the last time until we get infested again by what is becoming a common household problem. I am glad I have been on vacation this week and did have extra money to buy part of the needed bombs and spray
Friday, July 10, 2015
Dealing with huge changes here.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Rains and then more rains
Friday, June 5, 2015
Walking through the past in my mind
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Mother's Day.....
Friday, April 24, 2015
Words, thoughts
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Mid-March madness
Thursday, March 5, 2015
the silly or foolish choices i make
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Done with taxes for this year
Friday, February 6, 2015
Making progress
So, now I have been back to work 3 weeks now, and it has been almost that long since I had a seizure/fit/episode so I am gaining on replacing minerals, iron and electrolytes. And, most days I am not beat tired as I walk out of the plant. We have been very hot on the harvest/kill floor, especially the past 2 days and I was shaky before the shift was done so had warm Gatorade before leaving.
The box of doll eyes, eye putty and 2 wig caps was here but not the expected box of yarn. I think our local post office holds some things for Saturday delivery so they can justify those hours and I would not be surprised if that is going on in many places. The yarn shipping shows an expected delivery date of 2/5 or 2/6 and it was not coming from very far away, my new skin for the iPad was in Springfield postal system by Wednesday evening but has an expected delivery of Saturday. Oh, well, not much I can do about what the post office does as long as things arrive safely and within reasonable time.
I am really liking not dating and not having phone calls from a man I don't have much to say to. I know I am living a very spoiled, self indulgent, self centered life. But, hey, I support myself and have for many years now, over 10, and I pay my bills, work full time, take care of my responsibilities so my time off work is MINE, and there is no law that makes me spend time with a man, or reason to do things with my free time to please someone else at my expense.
I did that often enough in the past and I am done with it.
This week I don't have any play money so I will be content to do things at home and hope to get some sewing done for the dolls, some knitting done and my state taxes filed, now that I have the printer software installed in the laptop. I have a few other chores that need done, like clean the bird cage, do laundry and some bathroom cleaning, but that still leaves me time to sew for my dolls.
I am still waiting for itemized bills from the local hospital for the medical testing done there but the checks are written out and figured out of the bank balance. I just will not pay on the bills without getting an itemized bill so I know what I am paying for. My work insurance has already paid their part. I do expect to see more bills from Prairie Heart and will be making payments on that too.
But my federal tax refund did go to paying down credit debt, stocking up the kitchen cupboards and a few other things I needed or wanted.
Last year taxes went to the survey and then the patio pour, along with paycheck funds and the money from selling the lot in MO. I hope to keep gaining on paying down debt load, on old house progress and building up savings, including my 4O1s. I should be able to increase the Roth by 1% this weekend, that will add at least $280 more each year to what is already going in.
And i have a Kaye Wiggs doll on pre-order at Jpopdolls. So, that is the remaining debt on the Barclay card, which started with my iPad, and was my Touch, the replacement since delivery guy stole the red Touch, my Rebel and my 2nd Nexus 7, the first one being given to Ben.
I think my life is really good, the granite is finally done, I did have a follow up call from Lowes and did make sure the guy was aware of the cabinet door issue so that matter is on a priority list. I know I have a lot of woodwork/trim work to do but I will work on that as I have funds, bills first, support for the front/west side of the house so I can start working on supporting the porch roof and tearing out the crappy porch landing and support, replacing rotted out sill plate and rebuilding a porch so the roof can then be supported, the porch roof can get a metal roof and I will be closer to starting to tear off the old siding, repairs, insulation and heading towards something for siding.
Years and lots of money and lots of time, the house has had 10 + years and funds and that will continue, it i MY home, and I like it, life here works for me, and I plan to keep on working, on that old house and on the life I am living.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Time to reassess my life and direction
The winter is being milder than last winter, the kitchen renovation is still dragging on, the front/west will plate is rotting out, due to the front porch, so now I need to put support under the floor joists as soon as possible and then support outside for the porch roof and start tearing out the concrete and build a new porch, steps,replace roof support, it never ends here.
But I seem to like my life, and all the small parts that make up this quiet life.
The not dating is working well for me, like the time I have and what I am doing with it. Less stress, more quality and I am where I want to be, at my home and not elsewhere.
Glad to have my taxes filed for the Federal, and will do the state on the first of February, have a list of where the funds go, most to debt, and the iPad goes off to Apple for a battery replacement.
Past my bedtime, another long and hard day at the pig plant tomorrow.