Attitude is such a personal thing, you can have a good one, you can have a bad one, you can have a good attitude about some things and bad about other things, and it's so individual, how we see that 'attitude' another person has.
I like feeling good about going to work, I like being busy, I like being up-beat and happy. It's my choice, and it's an 'inside me' thing that I don't have to, won't let others poke pins in. I am quite willing to let them have their 'don't care' attitudes, their 'hate work, hate the boss' attitude.
People have been, since cave man days, going through life feeling they always get the bad deal, feeling someone 'shit' on them, feeling they were cheated. It's their personal choice of attitude and it's not contagious so I don't have to catch it.
I am not responsible for other people's attitude, if they say or suggest I am, they are coping out and are not willing to take responsibility for their own attitude and their own choices of how they choose to respond to situations or other people.
I also like knowing I have money going into payroll savings every week, that my debt load is dropping every week, I like knowing I am getting my life, my finances back into some order that I am comfortable with.
And I like knowing I make the choices for how I spend my earnings, it gives me a cheerful attitude to know I have bills paid on time or early, that I can pay extra on credit debt, that I can get the co-pays on medical bills paid off.
Physically I might never bounce with joy again, but I like having that feeling back inside me, it took a long and hard battle to get some of that 'happy' stuff back. But it's back, even when I am hurting a lot at work, I still have a lot of that 'happy' just glowing out.
And it feeds my energy levels, I like that, so even when I hurt a lot, I can push me harder to do what needs done. If my co-worker, on the 2 nights we do work together, chooses to spend most of his work shift sitting on his butt with his big feet propped up on a desk, that is his choice.
But I will no longer be the dept. scapegoat for the others to dump on, I am not the only 1 working on Tuesday and Wed. and I am not going to be in the office about what I did or did not get done on those nights or if I left a few minutes early.
No, it's not all my job, they are not paying me more per hour to do more work than that lazy, sour, bad attitude I work with on those days. And 3rd shift can help pull his load, especially the brown hatted union steward who protects that man's back, who favors him, and who has managed to help him keep or get back his job over and over.
He is on his last chance, and I know he and good old pal union steward want to get him moved to the job bid he won before he gets another write up or causes any problems. 1 more 'anything' and he will be permanently out of the plant. He's managed to get his 'rope' that short and me, I would be quite happy if that rope frayed through and dropped him.
I know the added hours and work load would be very hard on me, but the freedom from stress would be well worth some of the pain and being beat tired.
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