I knew it was going to rain but did not move the bed, so now my bedding is in the dryer,, the mattress is propped up so it will dry faster and the dehumidifier is running and I am beat tired, hurt, grumpy and mentally kicking myself about being stupid again.
But 1 of my sisters is even more stupid, her son/my nephew called last night while I was at work, I called him this am early and learned his mother, my sister #2 is now serving time, along with her daughter and son in law for dealing Drugs!!!
I have made so many stupid mistakes, the men I have been involved with, the way I have wasted money but I have been smart enough to stay away from drugs and from drinking.
I hope to make smart choices with what I do with any funds I get from the settlement from the auto accident. I do a lot of thinking about it, what is top of the list, what vehicles are on a list for possible IF I can afford to do that, what needs done on this old house. The roof is first, and the knee walls and cross ties up there so the attic can become the studio I want.
the property surveyed and fenced is on that 'want' list, along with new walks,new front porch support/floor, a back deck, debt paid off is high on the list, after the roof.
I hope the job change works out well for me, temp is a gamble but it could work into permanent, the pay is more and the benefits are better. I hope I have less stress and less pain, but no job is perfect and the new job will be busy and have me on my feet as much or more but in a safer area and not as hard of work, not as much problems or problem people.
I'm thinking a tub of hot water and soak while I wait on bedding to dry, I have more sets of sheets but I need/want that blasted mattress pad and I want the mattress to have some time to start drying out too.
These spring storms have taken out entire towns, killed a lot of people, flooded farms, towns, you name it, so I am fortunate that my only problem is the very old roof on this very old house. I am coping with that most of the time, today I just messed up, didn't think about it, did not expect much rain...stupid of me but I am fixing the problem.
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