My iPad refuses to let me use the app for Blogger so I rarely set up and turn on the laptop, ya, I know, past time I quit fighting with Windows 10 and Microsoft. But those little techie pads are so easy to use, almost anywhere.
And I am chasing autoimmune issues and how best to keep them from making my living miserable and how to keep them as slowed down as possible. Changes in what I eat, add 1 prescription med, add several supplements, get a 7-day pill box so I can set them up easy to take and remember to take all of them as needed/recommended.
Summer is here, we, Ben and I, have a few plant to water but since neither of us are willing to pay huge water bills, we are letting nature take care of most of the landscaping/property and being glad it's small. It doesn't look good but I am not going to pour gallons of water through this sand and silt and loads of money into trying to have a green lawn, I have neighbors who do that,
The Vespa is waiting for parts, 1 is in, the fuel gauge stuff, shop is still waiting for the intake manifold, which is cracking. All under warranty stuff, but that rubber intake manifold should not at less than 2 years from build to now be developing cracks. I am riding it for work and small errands here in town and will run it down for the work, once the part are in and on a Saturday, there is no way I can afford to take a day off.
Finances are snug right now and I have a bill for x-rays that is over $688 after my work insurance paid their part, and the local hospital wants it paid in 6 months, which I can't be sure of working into my budget, so I have financial papers to fill out and hope to work out a longer payment agreement. I do understand the hospital wanting/needing paid asap, but I also have to work with the paycheck I get, the bills and cost of living I have and fit this new bill in. But I will consider going to Springfield in the future for having any x-ray work done...I will no longer use the hospital or clinics in Rushville or attached to that hospital due to their cost that my insurance does not cover and their inability to do things correctly, like paperwork.
The work on the old house is not getting done and I need to push myself harder on that, but Ben is finally working again, after close to 3 years of living back with Mom and Mom supporting him. He now is buying part of the groceries and paying the city utility bill so that is help, but he's working odd hours, and I need to put more effort into turning the compost pile. Just another thing I need to start dealing with.
Jake has graduated with his bachelor's degree in history, 4 years of a lot of hard work, a lot of miles to commute, working to earn money, dealing with paperwork and stress and old vehicles that didn't like all the miles, but he kept at it and graduated with no debts and not too bad grade average. He has joined the Army Reserve and is working on going in full time as officer, it seems to be what works for him and the direction he feels is best for his life, at this time.
Illinois is about at junk bond rating, we will be seeing a big state income tax increase, we still have a huge, unpaid and no way to pay pension debt that has been building for 20+ years, that was a bad contract decision and now everyone living in this state is on the hook for a debt that should have never happened. It is a big part of why this state is doing so badly, why it is loosing people and businesses every month. And why I tell people that if they have a way to move elsewhere, out of state, that is worth doing, it won't be fixed fast and at this time it's not even being dealt with. I don't have a choice, unless I win a lottery, which is not going to happen but I will try and manage as best I can here and am trying to be better about my how I spend money and my priorities.
And I am not making time for this season, I can't manage to be and do all that I want and so focus on what I need to do and what is on the top of my priority list, and that list changes as I need/want or re-assess my life and directions. I just can't make evening business meeting on work nights that have me running hard to get there, and hard to get home and not enough rest and still work. Blame autoimmune issues, blame a long drive there and back and say I was not happy about the politics and some issues that I could see both sides and felt both had some wrong and some right and I would not be drawn into.
I am working to NOT isolate myself from everyone and so forth but am keeping to myself more, both at work and in my personal life, just not willing to care or be involved or it just doesn't matter. Not my life, not my choices and not my problems seems to work well, but I still am political and need to write more letters, make a few more calls and so forth. But I removed myself from some on line groups at Facebook, way too much negative and hate and not much thought and common sense.
We have a poor choice in the White House, with a damaging administration, we have Republicans that are pushing legislation that is good for the very rich, corporations and destructive for the country as a whole. Our president has no ability to work with our international relations, except maybe Russia, which is never in our best interest, the anger in the country grows, the problems grow and it will get worse before it gets better. I could go on but it won't fix nice to have someone who actually does understand and has some interest and actually chases information and knows just how rocky our environment issues are, how unstable the world's populations are and how easy things could tip into a global war issue...
But I will work to stay balanced, work to help keep a balance, work to reduce my own carbon footprint and make good choices, both with my actions and my posting and my mouth. And I will work to keep my own life and finances as stable as I can, and hope for a better world in the coming future.