Well, it looks like the city is trying to help with the outside bug issues, some, anyway. They have the code informer out looking for issues on private property that could help harbor and add to the bug problems, like standing water in things like old tires, and tall grasses and weeds, clutter and junk. All well and good, they are ruffling feathers and keeping posts on the local forum entertaining at times.
Here at home I have gotten to the vet for flea dope for Shadow, 6 applications which will get us into winter, and $88 for the costs of that. And it appears that either from my work bag, containing bandanas, hair nets, and such or from the current house son and his out and about visiting people, we are now battling an infestation of bed bugs. Oh, how nice, and if that adult son had been far more open, blunt, honest about the bug problems he was having down stairs, they might have been being dealt with before they became a problem upstairs.
Instead he just went elsewhere for several weeks, and only when I caught up with 2 sons about their mess in MY downstairs bedroom did he come home to tackle the mess and discuss the bug issue.
So, I am spending the money I hoped to restock cupboards this vacation on flea and bed bug bombs and sprays, doing huge amounts of cleaning, laundry and trying to bake my pillows and such soft goods in my truck the next day or two. I now have a bombing schedule on the white board, and will be bombing every weekend for weeks, which means the birds and their cage go outside to the patio, bombs get set off, I spend 2 hours with the dog on a chain and unhappy, the birds outside and not happy and me sitting with them knitting or reading and watching the clock. After 2 hours I am in the house to open windows, start house airing, spray areas with flea and bedbug spray and then back outside for 2 hours
After that 2nd waiting outside time, I get to come in and start wiping down kitchen counters so stuff I took out can come back in, like my iPad and knitting and snacks. Then I go up and wipe down and clean the bird area, they come in, get back into small pet tote, and get madder, the cage again is taken apart so it can go back upstairs, clean food and water and the mad birds get back home. Loads of kitchen stuff to wash and put away again and loads of laundry to wash and dry again.
This will need done every weekend four more times, skip a weekend and the next weekendshould be the last time until we get infested again by what is becoming a common household problem. I am glad I have been on vacation this week and did have extra money to buy part of the needed bombs and spray