I admit to looking now and then at on line dating sites, am not willing to date people who work at the plant, don't see dumping the friendship with Larry at this time and have to be honest,the old house projects, both inside and outside hold more interest for me than a potential romance.
I admit to liking my very solitary lifestyle, plenty I enjoy doing alone and if I want company, I can usually find either Larry or a gal pal or son to keep me company. And I like time alone, a lot of time alone. I can read, watch what I want to watch, Downton Abby is my current enjoyment. I have time to sew and knit, plan out projects and see progress on them.
And my finances seem to be more stable. Not getting rich, not even getting out of debt very fast but making ok progress on reducing the debt load, progress on this old house and progress on me.
I think tweaking me is and always will be an on-going project. I need to find ways to get more organized and more tidy, I need to have better control of my temper, and of my spending impulses.
The weather this winter has been colder with more snow than in the past 10 winters I have been in Illinois and that too has added to my restless moods. But I got exercise shoveling snow, and I helped my neighbors south of me, so that was good too.
Think there are a lot of good people out there, single and looking to meet someone, hope they find each other, know I am really not 1of them, know I don't want involved with any one, but do look now and then and dream.
Think I am happier dreaming about moving to the Faroe Islands than dreaming about a relationship, both occupy my mind while I do those jobs at the plant that now earn my living, and dating is less fun to dream about than becoming part of a small village on a rocky island in the North Sea.
Not blaming men for this, just accepting the reality of my life, this old house and what I really want for my life and for my future.
The house will be a long and slow project, but it is my project, and I don't want it taken over by someone else, and I sure do not want to loose the roof over my head due to the problems of some other person, not of my doing. So, alone works for keeping the house and my stability as secure as I can make it, and that seems to be far more secure than I have found life with a man to be.
But I think it is great that 1 of my cousins is taking a holiday with her husband to celebrate their 25th anniversary. And I like it that friends from childhood are still married to each other, despite all the rough times their lives have had, people I know do make marriage work.
But I don't want marriage, or live together or even a lot of time with anyone right now, I want stable finances and progress on my projects planned for this summer.